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Coheirs of Grace

This week's passage, found in 1 Peter 3: 1-7 focuses mainly on the relationship between wives and husbands. While most of our ResKids aren't thinking about marriage or the state of marriage relationships, we can still study this passage to better understand the power of action (verses 1-2), the importance of inner beauty (verse 4), and the value of honouring one another (verse 7).

We'll spend our time looking at the story of Lee and Leslie Strobel and how her actions (once she became a Christian) fundamentally changed, prompting Lee to seek out the truth about Jesus, and Christianity. 

ResKids lesson for April 25:

Bible Memory Verse:

Once you were not a people, but now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.   1 Peter 2:10, NiRV

Bible Passages:

1 Peter 3: 1-7

For more on Lee and Leslie Strobel

1.  The Case for Christ, Young Reader's Edition, by Lee Strobel. He has a whole series of books for kids, teens and adults. 

2. Lee Strobel's website 


Categories: 1 Peter