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Life Hacks: Pleasure

Delight yourself in the LORD;

and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalms 37: 4

In the midst of the busy, hurried life we all seem to find ourselves in, when was the last time you found delight in something? Maybe you found pleasure in a really good cup of coffee, a pink sunset or a beautiful piece of music. In these experiences, did you also delight in the Maker? Taking delight in God means that our hearts find complete peace and fulfilment in Christ. John Piper, in this sermon, says "delighting in God means savouring the diverse excellencies of God, especially as they are manifest in Christ." We often try to fill our hearts desire with other things but it is Christ that we truly find pleasure and joy.

One of the best things about being a kid is the ability to find pleasure and delight in seemingly small things: a fuzzy caterpillar, a big puddle or an extra treat or snack. Teach them that while we should delight in all of these good things, we should also remember that it also all points to our God and maker.  Read through this week's devotion together and take time to "delight" in Jesus - take a walk outside and point out all the beautiful things in creation or spend a few minutes remembering the beauty of Jesus' love and sacrifice for us. Whatever it is, I hope you find time to savour our Lord, Jesus this week.


Just a quick reminder that we will not have any kids lessons this Sunday (November 15). Instead, there is a Townhall Meeting following our online service. For more information, please check out our bulletin.

Next Sunday, we resume lessons and continue on our study of Proverbs!

Categories: Life Hacks