Community ResKids


 A Church for Kids

Our goal is for your kids to wake up every morning, rub the gunk out of their eyes, and ask, “Mommy, is it Sunday yet?” So we’re creating a Sunday morning kids ministry (birth through elementary) called ResKids that will have your little ones begging to come and learn about God every week.

For many parents with young children, it isn’t easy getting connected to a church simply because many churches don’t offer a quality, safe, clean (and fun!) environment for their kids while they go to the “grown-ups” service. They end up either worrying the whole time whether their little Houdini has made it out to the parking lot or if the special snack might be peanut butter walnut cookies sprinkled with almonds. We understand. We’re parents too! We’re serious about providing clean facilities and equipment, caring and competent personnel, and physical security measures.

At Resonance, your children are one of our highest priorities. We recognize that children’s ministry is more than just crafts and cookies (the nut-free type), but a stewardship. First and foremost, we want every child to know how much God loves them. We seek to teach the Bible in an age-appropriate and creative manner that will excite them to love Jesus and other kids around them too. Hopefully, the friends they make at ResKids will develop and become a source of spiritual strength as they grow up together. Yes, “connecting friends for life” applies to everyone at Resonance!

Did you know?

General - ResKidsLogo

Our ResKids logo is designed with kids in mind. The color palette includes “strained peas” and “sweet potatoes,” familiar and comforting colors already found on kitchen walls and clothing.